I participated in this amazing Lesbian activist event in 2006. Unfortunately, this event does not happen regularly primarily due to funding issues and the difficulty of organizing such efforts in Mexico. Please share, and if you are able to, make a tax-deductible donation to http://www.catapult.org/project/marching-lesbian-rights.
The Codex Nepantla Collective aims to translate Chicana feminist scholarship for a grassroots Spanish-speaking/reading audience.
"...Vivo en este estado liminal entre mundos, entre realidades, entre sistemas de conocimiento, entre sistemas de simbología.' Este terreno fronterizo al umbral de la conciencia, o pasaje, esta entretela, es lo que yo llamo 'nepantla.'"
"'...I live in this liminal state between worlds, between realities, between systems of knowledge, between symbology systems.' This liminal borderland terrain, or passageway, this interface, is what I call 'nepantla.'"
--Gloria Anzaldúa, Interviews, p. 268